Svilen profile picture 7JP Head of Research

Hi! I’m Svilen Madjov, Industry Researcher

  • Role: Industry Researcher
  • Experience: 10 years in research, project management, and funding

About Svilen

Svilen is the quadrilingual and dedicated Industry Researcher at SevenJackpots. Born in Bulgaria, he’s moved around the world, simultaneously obtaining University degrees in both Marketing (United States) and Cultural and Linguistic Mediation (Italy).

He spent a decade working as an EU Projects manager for Public Administration, private companies, and Universities. Over the years, Svilen started dedicating more efforts to research projects and the creation of distance learning content.

At SevenJackpots, he digs into gambling industry secrets and knowledge like demographics, statistics, and trends. He also cures off-site content, and publications for ENV Media.

Social Media & Contact

Svilen is available on social media and via email. Follow the links below:


Svilen’s Research Articles